VixenDWT's Journal


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7 entries this month


01:37 Feb 13 2006
Times Read: 533

Like most females, I wouldn't expect you to actually understand my reasonings. My interests or empathies. Indeed, I'd rather expect you to use your sense of self-inflated arrgoance to your betterment. You think the world is a stage, the males prey and the females have to be your bitches. Unfortunately for you, you've come across one female that you aren't going to like. I do not like you, I think you're a slut, you're proud of being a 110 kilos ( ridiculous ), you're proud of being able to squat like a savage and disgusting animal in the bushes and pee.

There are toilets for this kind of thing.

You're comfortable not wearing a bra, or any underwear. Everyone is revolted by this simply because we do not want to see your sex when you sit down inappropriately or if you happen to swing your skirts or whatnot. It's filthy.

You sleep with anything that has a cock. Then when it disappoints you ( you disappoint it more likely ), you bitch about it because you don't realise you weren't good enough.

Here's a few tips of being better :

- Lose weight. Even at 90, it's better than looking like you do now.

- Wear underwear. For God's sake. Spare us the fact that you shave, that you're cunt is over rolled with fat and that your inner legs are brown because you refuse to take care of your skin.

- Don't sleep with every male who seems interested. That is just inappropriate and dangerous.

- Wear clothes that enhance your better qualities. Not make people wonder where all the fat has gone, then find it sticking out the ropes of the corset.

- Get a job. WORKING *is* a good thing.

- Get some Self-Respect.

- Do not muddle other people's honour. One too many times you have done this, and made me furious with it. Get the hell out of my sight.

Mood:Impressedly Fucked




Like Leeches

02:16 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 535

Some people never get what they're on about. I will give up on this chick, I had thought for a moment that maybe it would change I was wrong.

Everyone lacks companionship.





04:59 Feb 03 2006
Times Read: 539

Here's some great news...

Yesterday/last night I found out and had my suspiscions confirmed that I may just have an ex, who is in the same state as me, as a stalker!

Isn't this brilliant news!

It started yesterday.

I had headed out to HW to get the bond, I had then headed down to Freo to catch up with A and get some of the $140 he owes me back, it ended up being twenty. His explaination is that his new girlfriend's valentine's present is pretty much expensive as hell.

He may drop on his arse if he sees what she's getting him. ( I don't know but from the looks of it, and what he's told me, they like competing in presents ).

I got a message after A had chased after a man with a ten inch chef's knife ( previously the guy had been making menancing moves and showing signs of a Schiztophrenic Paranoid ont he boarder of a Psychosis ) and left me subsequently alone enjoying the remains of a iced chocolate.

The message was from noneotherthan B, saying 'Hello.'. I looked around and couldn't see him. Usually I know from experience and my own habit, that if you see someone you send a creepy-assed message saying "I can see you" or "I am right behind you". That is for pranks though. I heard a dead-set wolf's howl from the Newport, and I know the way that B howls. It was close.

I dismissed it but remained on guard, I adjusted each of my five chains for easy access if I did indeed get into trouble. Nothing happened but I had the thought that I was being watched.

Later that night, I get on the bus, head to Perth. I usually sit at the back, as is my habit. Big impulse not to, so grabbed the first convienantly empty chair and stayed there the entire trip. I went to the doctor, got the results. Nothing abnormal. Getting the Hep B shot soon as a precaution.

They are checking the thyroid as well to make sure.

I get on the 10:45pm bus, head home. Nothing sus. I get a message from A, then a call going "Hey, B's down here. Apparently stuck."

I wasn't surprised told him as much, and got messages from B going "Stuck in Freo missed the train" etc. When I asked him what he was doing in Perth ( considering this boy lives shit-a-brick far south), he was vague and mentioned missing the bus and being stuck. A rang B and told him he couldn't stay for A) he had company b) work.

A and I discussed a very real possibilty of being stalked. Alot of things fit into place, especially when A said that he had seen B in Freo while chasing the guy with the knife. This comes with the multitudes of questions B asked when he did stay the night with A, about A, about me, training and personal things. Alot of questions.

A expressed his concern "You're not in the city now are you?" I replied no. I'd left a good hour/two hours earlier. Somehow, B managed to get a taxi from Phoenix that only costed ten dollars. I find that impossible considering from Perth to Coogee is ( on flat fares ), $53.40.

I kept getting messages then gave up and left the phone to get all the messages.

I woke to one.

I have my own emergency plan. Literally. And I know what to do also, I won't put it here but I have it always on my mind. And SIN isn't even safe anymore. I now have to cling to the people I know can do something, or would do something if I had problems there.

This is the thing, I have been going to SIN for a year now. There's no damn way I'm giving up friends and music and cheap alcohol without a damn fight.






To Those On My Friends List

16:38 Feb 01 2006
Times Read: 554

If you want to know if you are or are not here is the list :

























For thsoe of you who would like to be included in this exclusive list, then message me. If not, for those of you who are on it, I will remove you if you would like.

I have removed a few already. I do not note who these people are as they would most likely know already. It's not that hard to miss.

For anyone who has me on theirs, but does not see their name here, merely message me, once again, and I will add you.

Thank you for your co-operation.






If one takes note....

16:24 Feb 01 2006
Times Read: 555

Be observant people.

If one cares to notice. Both of the last entries are in February, yet D seems to think they are in January.

Not so. As I am currently writing within February's grasp of the Journal, and if memory serves me correctly. I seem to see all three entrys following each other.

I'm not surprised that D likes or would like to think she is correct. I have already contacted Cancer on this, and mayhaps he would follow it through. But I doubt it, it's of little importance at all to him.

Now that is over, let's get on with a real update of some significance shall we?


I am glad to be kicked out of the House of Mada.

I thank Deity for that much, at least.

And for those of you, who I know, will stop talking to me on the basis of being "Houseless". I have only one thing to say, you've been sucked in and you've been fucked up.

Never come to me and say that you are 'tolerant', because you'd be lying to my face and I can only tolerate so much bullshit from people in a general state.


I may be moving house in a few weeks. Tomorrow I go to see thsi place in MP, and if I like it, details will be discussed. MP is roughly 10-20 minutes from my work, so you can see that this is very advantageous to my cause.

No more Hour and a Half trips at 6 in the mornings anymore.

The bond for four weeks is $470, on top of that another $150 and that is settled. If push comes to shove, I will find another place. But this one looks promising enough. As long as I can out contender the other people who have looked.

This virus isn't kicking my ass but it makes smoking almost impossible. My throat hurts alot when I do so, so pretty much I haven't smoked alot today.

Work called. Some how they got the impression that I've quit or something. I reassured them, and merely stated that the doctor, instead of a weekend, gave me the week off. From the 27th to the 4th. A rather long week no? So I have a 10:30am to 5:30pm shift going on on Saturday.

And single again!

Thank fuck. Personally. T is going to be the last until sometime middle of the year if I can wing it that far. And I'm damn sure, that with my attitude, the only winging of any kind I'm going to be doing is for fun and between friends.

That may make me a slut but the difference between myself and a slut is I don't give it everyday, and they work for it. So it makes me more of a Bitch, than well.... some of the people you could name.

For now, I am going back to writing poetry and the likes. It is far more graitifying than writing in giant blocks people, in general, don't read.






If journals are meant for thoughts

05:48 Feb 01 2006
Times Read: 568

Then why are people so damned determined that no one find out about what goes on?

My thoughts.

I had thought were privy to only those who bothered to read them. Obviously not.

I have had my say.

This is the end of it.

Edit this if you want then.




Nothing like Hell

04:09 Feb 01 2006
Times Read: 567

There is nothing compared to the shit that is going on on this site. So much of it is unbelievable. I got to other sites, ones I won't put here because I would hate to see the same happen there.

Ever heard the term Bigot? Hypocrite? For all of those who have participated in this pathetic death-trap, I don't feel pity for you. When I say participated, I mean even those who have stood back, watched and known what is happening.

C.... Or Cie as I will call you. Talk to my House Master? More like Queen Bitch. She started this bullshit, she should be able to stand on her own two feet and take it. "As Master of the House".... She's not being a great Master if he can't take criticism for the way she takes over a House. The way it was done sounds like there was alot of double-dealing.

No... For one that *did* promote honour and the likes, the way it's performed during that time was literally a pack turning in on itself. The House of Mada has no honour. And I am, for once, sorry that F was involved, that anyone was involved.

Now... I put this all here because apparently this is where we can rant and rave and not have anything against us put. So should I be blinded, or kicked or the like. I would love it. Because simply, you would be PROVING ME RIGHT.

But whatever.

Have it your way you maggot eating shitfucks.


It's not Albert's Arm... It's Charlie's now



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